Frequently Asked Questions.

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What is Career Wizard®?

Career Wizard® is a unique quiz that shows you, if you are aged 14 and over, the careers that people like you do for a living.

What will Career Wizard® Tell Me?

Career Wizard® will nominate five careers plus two industry types that people with answers similar to yours typically work at. In addition it shows the job satisfaction level and average annual income that these careers/industries achieve. Answers will be provided instantly and anonymously.

How Do I Take The Career Wizard® Test?

Simply use the Career Wizard® app to answer the 78 simple questions related to your attitudes, life goals, activities, education level, postcode, gender and age. The test is interesting and fun and only takes around 4 minutes to complete. Unless you want to request more information you will not be asked for contact details.

How Does Career Wizard® Work?

Even though The WizardTM test is simple to use, its mechanism is extremely sophisticated. It is the only test of its size and scope offered anywhere. It was developed in conjunction with Australian based Roy Morgan Research which conducts the largest predominately face to face survey in the world. 150,000 Australian interviews collected over 3 years were analysed to isolate the key characteristics of 96 occupation types and 15 industry groups. When you complete the test questions, The WizardTM analyses your responses and matches your characteristics against occupation and industry profiles to determine your career and industry matches.

What Is Career Wizard® Used For?

Learning what people similar to you actually do for a living provides insights into the careers that may be suitable for you. Knowing those occupations and industries which attract people compatible with you in terms of personality and attitudes can guide you in career selection.

Even though Career Wizard® is the most accurate tool of its type, everyone is different. That’s why Career Wizard® always nominates five career choices and two industries, ranked in order of degree of match to you.

That said, it should be noted that, for a host of reasons, not everyone works at their typical career match. Circumstances may have driven individuals towards a different career, others may be in the process of evolving towards a closer match, yet others may not be satisfied with the careers that they work in.

How Does Career Wizard® Differ From Other Tests?

Vocational and other career tests take many forms but are essentially designed to measure and classify candidates based on their skills, aptitudes and talents. Whilst their aim is to help them choose a career in tune with their ability, these tests are an end in themselves.

The Career Wizard® uses a very different approach to helping respondents make informed career decisions. Rigorous analysis of the Roy Morgan database has revealed that a limited range of individual characteristics can be used to describe and classify those employed in each of 96 occupations and 15 industries. In a sense testing has already been done, questions have been assessed empirically and responses objectively validated. The Career Wizard® simply administers the test that measures these characteristics and then uses the results to reveal each individual’s career and industry matches.

How Reliable is Career Wizard®?

There are a number of ways in which The Career Wizard® components and process can be verified.

  • Roy Morgan Research Centre is Australia’s largest and longest established Australian market research organisation.
  • The Roy Morgan name is synonymous with quality and accuracy. The Company is fully certified to the highest quality Management Systems and Market Opinion and Social Research Standards.
  • Rigorous comparison of Roy Morgan sample data to known population norms – as diverse as labour force participation, average weekly income, superannuation assets, cinema attendance, smoking incidence, physical characteristics, hours worked, sports participation – reveals a very close <2% variance.
  • The Career Wizard® is based on occupation characteristics derived from the Roy Morgan Single Source Survey, the largest of its type in the world. It is based mainly on face to face interviews, the most expensive to administer and acknowledged as the most accurate interview methodology.
  • The Career Wizard® questionnaire developed to measure these characteristics has been rigorously tested for logic and comprehension.
  • The test was randomly administered to the Roy Morgan database to ensure that the questions that form the foundation of The Career Wizard® generate a selection spread across all 96 career groups.
  • It should be noted that opportunity, circumstances, qualifications and individual choice mean that a small share of respondents do not work in career that is typical of their group. Testing to date suggests that many of these people feel that the Career Wizard® match may also be an appropriate choice for them.